test Munk Dialogue with Julia Galef - Munk Debates

Munk Dialogue with Julia Galef

April 12, 2022

Munk Dialogue with Julia Galef

Julia Galef joins us for discussion on why embracing a scout’s mindset, one that champions curiosity and truth-seeking over knee jerk reactions, will give us the tools we need to make smarter decisions.

Acclaimed author and popular podcaster Julia Galef joins us for a fascinating discussion about how embracing a scout’s mindset, one that champions curiosity and truth-seeking over knee jerk reactions, will give us the tools we need to make smarter decisions.

“The scout’s motivation is to go out, see things as clearly as possible and form as accurate a map of a situation or an issue as they can including all of the areas of uncertainty…as you learn more about the world, you’re going to revise it and change your perspective”

