test Anti-Zionism VS Anti-Semitism Debate - Munk Debates

Anti-Zionism VS Anti-Semitism Debate

November 27, 2019

Anti-Zionism VS Anti-Semitism Debate

Be it resolved, anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.

Zionism – the Jewish right to self-determination in the land of Israel – has been the subject of heated debate since the country was first established in 1948. In recent years, opposition to Zionism has become a political lightning rod – embraced by the far left, opposed by the right. It’s a debate that is being fought on campuses, over dinner tables, and in the halls of congress. Many believe that the recent rise of anti-Zionism is used a cover for modern-day antisemitism. Critics disagree. They say that legitimate criticism of Israel and has nothing to do with discrimination against Jews.
