test Biden Debate - Munk Debates

Biden Debate

July 9, 2024

Biden Debate

Be it Resolved, Joe Biden must step down

Joe Biden’s disastrous performance in his debate against Donald Trump has convinced leading Democrats that he cannot be their nominee in November. There are now too many voters concerned about Biden’s age and mental fitness for him to win. A younger, more dynamic candidate would redirect the conversation towards central policy questions and offer a viable alternative to Trump. And even if by some miracle Joe Biden did win in November, he has proven himself to be incapable and unfit for office.

But there are others who argue replacing Biden would be a huge mistake that Democrats would soon come to regret. They say polling still shows Biden to be the party’s strongest candidate. The messy process of   choosing a new nominee would take precious time and resources away from the campaign. And there’s always the risk that a new, untested nominee would stumble on the national stage. A ticket without Joe Biden will all but guarantee a Trump victory.

Arguing in favour of the resolution is Mona Charen. She’s a syndicated columnist and Policy Editor, at The Bulwark, and the host of the podcast, Beg to Differ.

Arguing against the resolution is Allan Lichtman. Allan is Distinguished Professor of History at American University and the author of Predicting the Next President: The Keys to the White House.

“There is still time to replace Biden at the top of the ticket. And that is absolutely necessary for the health of this republic.”

– Mona Charen

“In every election since the turn of the 20th century, when there’s an open seat and an uncertain or contestant nomination, the White House party has lost every time.”

– Allan Lichtman

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