test China Existential Threat Debate - Munk Debates

China Existential Threat Debate

December 4, 2019

China Existential Threat Debate

Be it resolved, China is an existential threat to the United States and the idea of freedom.

Relations between China and the United States are at an all-time low. America, the world’s lone superpower for the past 30 years, is facing the threat of a rising China, whose growing economy, military, and technology sector is giving the communist nation new power in an increasingly unstable world. China’s close relations with Russia, Iran, and North Korea, increased aggression in the South China Sea, and its ongoing trade war with the US has many wondering if we are entering into a new cold war, with China replacing the former Soviet Union as the greatest threat to America’s future and the liberal international order. In this episode of the Munk Debates Podcast, Steve Bannon debates Ian Bremmer on the motion Be it resolved, China poses an existential threat to the United States and the idea of freedom
