test Friday Focus - PM’s Remarks & Halifax Security Forum - Munk Debates

Friday Focus – PM’s Remarks & Halifax Security Forum

November 17, 2023

Friday Focus – PM’s Remarks & Halifax Security Forum

On this week’s edition of Friday Focus, Janice and Rudyard begin the program with a discussion of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s remarks this week excoriating Israel for the civilian casualties caused by its war against Hamas in Gaza. Why has the prime minister changed his tone on the conflict and Israel’s actions? What are the implications of the prime minister calling for a cessation of hostilities in everything but name when our major Anglosphere allies have opted to unilaterally support Israel’s removal of Hamas as a military and political force in Gaza and limited “humanitarian pauses” in the fighting? The second half of the program digs into what is happening at this weekend’s Halifax Security Forum that Janice is attending and that will host a major U.S. congressional delegation for its annual confab on the security and military challenges facing democracies around the world. As Canada’s diplomatic, military and economic power continues to decline, are we at risk of becoming irrelevant to our traditional allies as an international partner? What can be done to reverse this now multi-decade decline of Canadian influence on the world stage? Janice and Rudyard discuss it all.
