test Friday Focus - Canada-India Bust-up - Munk Debates

Friday Focus – Canada-India Bust-up

September 22, 2023

Friday Focus – Canada-India Bust-up

On this week’s edition of Friday Focus Janice and Rudyard dedicate the show to discussing the fallout in Canada-India relations precipitated by Prime Minister Trudeau’s revelations that there are “credible allegations” Indian security services murdered a Canadian citizen in Canada who supported an independent homeland for Sikhs in Punjab. What are Canadians to make of this latest example of direct foreign interference in Canada which in its seriousness far exceeds recent Chinese election meddling? Why have Canada-India relations come to this impasse and who is to blame? And finally, what are Canadians to make of their traditional allies’ response to Canada’s allegation of an extra judicial killing on Canadian soil directed by the Indian government?  Janice and Rudyard debate it all!
