test Friday Focus - Canada’s Shame & U.S. Shutdown - Munk Debates

Friday Focus – Canada’s Shame & U.S. Shutdown

September 29, 2023

Friday Focus – Canada’s Shame & U.S. Shutdown

On this edition of Friday Focus Janice and Rudyard begin the show with a discussion of how Canada made international news this week by inadvertently inviting a veteran of the Waffen-SS to address parliament on the occasion of President Zelensky’s visit to Ottawa. How did this happen? What does it say about Canada’s seemingly endless ability to trade on its national interests and international reputation for domestic political gains with diaspora community groups? The back half of the program focuses on the imminent shutdown of the U.S. government by Congress. What is going on here? How is the latest now in a string of U.S. government funding crises likely to resolve itself? And, what is the damage that a shutdown could do to the American and global economies and governments’ abilities to fund via bond markets record deficits?
