test Horror Films Debate - Munk Debates

Horror Films Debate

October 28, 2021

Horror Films Debate

Be it resolved, John Carpenter, not David Cronenberg, is the true master of modern horror.

Traditional religious holidays are losing ground in a rapidly secularizing world. Halloween, on the other hand, keeps gaining steam. Decorative pumpkins, elaborate costumes, and a cornucopia of sweet confections all signal that Halloween is upon us. But for the hardcore Halloween reveler, Halloween means one thing: horror movies. Horror films allow us to experience our fears from the comfort of our couch, confront them, and work through them. But all horror movies are not created equal.

Since the earliest days of the genre, few directors have reached the heights of John Carpenter. Horror aficionados, fellow directors, and film scholars hold Carpenter in the highest esteem for his ability to create fear from the mundane and believable, and his use of music to create an unparalleled sense of tension and atmosphere of impending doom. They argue Carpenter is the true master of modern horror, and all others are swimming in his wake.

But another camp of horror fans disagree, and point to another director as the true master of modern horror. David Cronenberg’s intricate weave of psychological and physical horrors create dynamic, challenging and thought-provoking films that have expanded the definition of the genre. They argue that no other director has done more to push horror into the future.

“I like to think of a horror film as the reveal of a terrible truth.”

– Paul Tremblay

“The genre has always been about violations of the familiar.”

– Noel Carroll
