test Journalism School Debate - Munk Debates

Journalism School Debate

July 18, 2024

Journalism School Debate

Be it Resolved, journalism schools are bad for journalism

We have never been more polarized. Echo chambers promote information that confirms people’s preconceived notions, regardless of whether the facts presented are true. Which is why journalists are so important to a functioning democracy: we need them to cut through rampant misinformation and deliver fact-based reporting.

But do you need journalism schools to do that? Some writers consider j-schools a waste of time: they argue that four years of expensive education would be better used learning reporting on the job, or gaining expertise in a particular subject that you could then report on with some authority.

Others argue the opposite: They say shrinking revenue makes resource-starved media outlets poorly equipped to mentor young journalists the way they used to. If you want a new generation of reporters whose work is rigorous, professional, and trusted by the public, journalism schools are essential.

Arguing in favour of the resolution is Kevin D. Williamson, national correspondent at The Dispatch

Arguing against the resolution is Christina Bellantoni, Professor of Professional Practice of Journalism at the USC Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism.

“Journalists do need education, but they need education in almost anything other than journalism.”


“There are so few news outlets that have real programs where you can take young, early career people and train them, rather than just throw them into something.”


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