test Moderates vs. Progressives Debate - Munk Debates

Moderates vs. Progressives Debate

November 16, 2021

Moderates vs. Progressives Debate

Be it resolved, progressives are leading the Democratic party to defeat.

Recent gubernatorial losses have left the Democratic Party shaken, concerned about how these disappointing election results will predict how the country votes in the 2022 midterms. Moderate strategists are pointing the finger at their progressive party members. By promoting unpopular policies on police, immigration, education, and gender politics, the progressive wing of the party is alienating its moderate base and pushing them towards the GOP. They argue that the left’s tactics in government – holding important domestic bills hostage in a bid to pass a more progressive agenda – have weakened the party and frustrated independents.

Progressives, meanwhile, believe that Democrats need to embrace bold policies in order to inspire the party base and deliver for working class voters, racial minorities and immigrants. Recent election losses are proof that the same tired playbook of centrist policies and priorities does not work. And it is moderate obstructionist Democrats, not progressives, who are standing in the way of Congress passing historic domestic legislation, frustrating voters and dividing the party. If the Democrats do not change course and embrace a bold agenda, they will lose the House and Senate in the 2022 midterms and the presidency soon after.

“Voters in the middle of the country, they just don’t trust Democrats enough to really give us strong majorities, because they think we’re going to go off the deep end.”


“The Democratic party has to be a labour-oriented party that uplifts working people of all races, that demonstrates in real ways that the future of democracy is a future that will have shared prosperity.”

