test Munk Dialogue with Fredrik DeBoer - Munk Debates

Munk Dialogue with Fredrik DeBoer

September 26, 2023

Munk Dialogue with Fredrik DeBoer

How the Elites ate the Social Justice Movement

Author, journalist, and popular Substack writer Fredrik DeBoer is a self described marxist with a long standing commitment to left-wing activism. However, his new book, How the Elites Ate the Social Justice Movement, takes aim at his former political allies. Fredrik criticizes the current social justice movement for taking a hyper emotional approach to politics, engaging in character assassination against anyone perceived to be on the wrong side of history.

In Fredrik’s words, we are living in a moment of political bloodlust dressed up in the language of anti-racism, damaging free speech, societal cohesion, and any chance of affecting real progressive change long term.

“The problem with the social justice yelling was that it was largely being overtaken by people who were financially secure…people who did not feel the immediate desperation of, “How am I going to pay the rent next month?”‘

