test Swedish Model Debate - Munk Debates

Swedish Model Debate

September 2, 2020

Swedish Model Debate

Be it resolved, Sweden is the model for how to fight this pandemic and the next.

In a world where shutdowns and quarantines have become the norm, Sweden stands out for choosing a pandemic strategy that is markedly different than its peer nations. In Sweden, bars, restaurants, public spaces, and most significantly, elementary schools have continued to operate since COVID-19 began its spread through the country last March. The Swedish model for fighting the pandemic does not enforce quarantines for infected households let alone entire cities and counties. Mask wearing and social distancing are entirely voluntary. Supporters of the Swedish model argue that its strength lies in being sustainable over the long haul, grounded in the recognition that the virus will be with us for many years. Critics say this strategy has come at way too high a price. Almost 6,000 citizens have died from the virus, one of the highest per capita death rates in the world. At the same time immunity has not significantly increased, and the economy is not faring much better than countries enforcing stricter policies. They fear that without a complete rethink of its pandemic strategy the country is headed for a public health disaster in the autumn.

“This is not about running one hundred yards. This is a marathon. Herd immunity is higher in Sweden than in many other countries.”

– Dr. Jonas F. Ludvigsson

“Sweden is not a model to follow because of our really high death numbers in a sparsely populated country. We’re just letting the virus run the show.”

– Lena Einhorn
