test Traditional Gender Roles Debate - Munk Debates

Traditional Gender Roles Debate

September 19, 2023

Traditional Gender Roles Debate

Be it Resolved, traditional gender roles make for a happier marriage

The women’s liberation movement of the 1970’s has long been championed as breaking down the barriers for women in the workplace. As women began to enter the workforce in droves, traditional gender roles in the home – one which saw the husband as the breadwinner and the wife as the homemaker – were torn down and replaced with a new, egalitarian vision for a modern day partnership defined by a two income household and an equal division of labour. And yet, there are some women who believe this transformation has yielded unhappy results. They argue that in order to be in a happy marriage, one must admit that men and women are not equal; they are different.

When we deny our biological DNA and inherent gendered desires and capabilities we create mass confusion in the home, the resentful record keeping of household tasks, and a decrease in sexual desire. Men and women may be capable of doing many of the same things, but that doesn’t mean they want to. Modern feminists say the opposite is true: couples who share childcare responsibilities report greater relationship and sexual satisfaction. Women who find satisfaction and productivity through their work are better partners and parents. And spousal abuse is 300 percent higher in traditional marriages than in egalitarian ones. Marriage is not about prescribed roles for women and men. It’s about love, equality, and personal choice, and embracing these qualities will make everyone happier.

“There’s an innate and overriding drive in most women and in most men that emerges once children come along. And these unique drives should be celebrated, not dismantled.”


“There is no single family arrangement that works for everyone. So the goal should be then to enable families to enact their desires, and for many, this is going to lead to more egalitarian marriages”


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