Elizabeth J. Meyer is a former high school teacher, coach, and Fulbright teacher exchange grantee (2001, France). She is currently an Associate Professor and program chair in Educational Foundations, Policy, and Practice in the School of Education at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Elizabeth Meyer

Elizabeth J. Meyer is a former high school teacher, coach, and Fulbright teacher exchange grantee (2001, France). She is currently an Associate Professor and program chair in Educational Foundations, Policy, and Practice in the School of Education at the University of Colorado Boulder.
She is the author of two books: Gender, Bullying, and Harassment: Strategies to End Sexism and Homophobia in Schools (2009, Teachers College Press) and Gender and Sexual Diversity in Schools (2010, Springer). Dr. Meyer completed her M.A. at the University of Colorado Boulder, and Ph.D. at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Her research has been published in academic journals including: Educational Researcher, Gender and Education, Teachers College Record, Phi Delta Kappan, Educational Policy Analysis Archives, and The Journal of LGBT Youth. She has discussed her research on FOX News, National Public Radio (USA), CTV National News (Canada), and other regional media outlets.
Her current research projects in K-12 public schools address: educators who support student-led LGBTQ-equity projects, Title IX, and transgender-affirming policies and practices. Professor Meyer was in the inaugural class of fellows for the National Center on Free Speech and Civic Engagement in 2018 and received the American Educational Research Association’s 2021 award for Distinguished Contributions to Gender Equity in Education Research.
She maintains the Gender and Education blog for Psychology Today and is also on Twitter: @lizjmeyer.
“Children are active observers of their environments. They see and understand what is valued and not at their school.”