Meghan Murphy is a Canadian writer and journalist, the founder of Feminist Current, and the host of The Same Drugs. For over a decade, her work has focused on violence against women, prostitution, pornography, and women’s rights.

Meghan Murphy

Meghan Murphy is a Canadian writer and journalist, the founder of Feminist Current, and the host of The Same Drugs. For over a decade, her work has focused on violence against women, prostitution, pornography, and women’s rights.
She founded Feminist Current in 2012, and it quickly became Canada’s most read feminist website, and one of the only feminist websites and podcasts in North America criticizing third wave feminism and pushing back against the normalization and legalization of the sex industry. Meghan launched The Same Drugs in 2020 as a means to provide heterodox commentary, interviews, and analysis of culture and politics. She is currently based in Mexico.
“Porn is painful, it’s humiliating, it’s coercive, and it’s made only for the pleasure of the viewer, who really has no idea what’s happening on the other side of the screen.”