
Patrick Porter is Professor of International Security and Strategy at the University of Birmingham, Senior Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), Adjunct Scholar at the Cato Institute and Senior Research Fellow at RAND Europe. He also worked at the British Defence Academy, King’s College London, the University of Reading and the University of Exeter. He grew up in Melbourne, and graduated at the Universities of Melbourne and Oxford, where he obtained his doctorate in history. He has written four books. Blunder: Britain’s War in Iraq appeared in November 2018 with Oxford University Press. His latest book is The False Promise of Liberal Order, published by Polity in 2020. He has also written for Spectator, Politico, The National Interest, The Critic, The New Statesman, Unherd, The American Conservative, and The Australian Financial Review, with academic articles in International Security, Security Studies, International Affairs and War in History, amongst others. His research interests are great power politics, realism, and foreign and defence policy. In 2022-3, he served as an academic expert advising SONAC, the UK Secretary of State’s Net Assessment and Challenge office, on British defence policy. He likes cricket, ancient history, beer and cigars.