Robert Kagan was named 4th of 50 Most Powerful Republicans On Foreign Policy by Foreign Policy magazine, ‘America’s most prominent neoconservative writer…rare public intellectual simultaneously in vogue with Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.’
He is a Senior Fellow of Foreign Policy at the Center for United States and Europe, Brookings Institution and Transatlantic Fellow at the German Marshall Fund.

Robert Kagan

Robert Kagan was named 4th of 50 Most Powerful Republicans On Foreign Policy by Foreign Policy magazine, ‘America’s most prominent neoconservative writer…rare public intellectual simultaneously in vogue with Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.’
He is a Senior Fellow of Foreign Policy at the Center for United States and Europe, Brookings Institution and Transatlantic Fellow at the German Marshall Fund.
He was named to serve on the Council on Foreign Relations Task Force on Turkey. Foreign Policy and Prospectmagazines also listed Dr. as one of the world’s “Top 100 Public Intellectuals,” and he was named one of Foreign Policy’s Top 100 Global Thinkers of 2012.
Kagan served in the United States State Department as a deputy for policy in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, and was a member of the policy planning staff as principal speechwriter to the U.S. secretary of state.
Robert Kagan is an invaluable voice for audiences that seek to understand the dynamics that are shaping 21st century geopolitics and American foreign and domestic policy. He consistently offers valuable historical context and fresh, often startling, and indispensable insights into the issues that businesses, industries and nations face today. Robert founded The Working Group on Egypt, a group of policy experts aimed at ensuring Egypt’s elections are free and fair.
Robert is the author of several bestsellers on foreign policy, including Dangerous Nation, which won the 2008 Lepgold Prize and was a finalist for the Lionel Gelber Prize. His newest book, The World America Made, paints a picture of what the world would look like if America reduced its role as a global leader.
“Superpowers don’t get to retire….in the international sphere, Americans have had to act as judge, jury, police, and, in the case of military action, executioner.”