Aaron Hancox is a filmmaker, writer and media executive at Sandbox Inc., an interdisciplinary media agency in Toronto. Throughout his career, Aaron has produced dozens of documentaries and mutli-media projects on a variety of subjects, including cats and dogs.
Aaron Hancox
Aaron Hancox is a filmmaker, writer and media executive at Sandbox Inc., an interdisciplinary media agency in Toronto. Throughout his career, Aaron has produced dozens of documentaries and mutli-media projects on a variety of subjects, including cats and dogs.
Among other things, his work has explored the complicated relationship between people and their pets, as well as the status of domestic cats as invasive species. Though he grew up with a pet dog (and hamsters, and budgies, and fish), he currently lives in Toronto with two rescue cats, a 15-month old human and his wife, Christina.
“Getting a dog to love you is easy, but if a cat owner is willing to put in the work to understand its animal, the cat will reciprocate, making this union way more profound and potentially more human-like.”