test Munk Dialogue with Douglas Murray, Natasha Hausdorff, Mehdi Hasan & Gideon Levy - Munk Debates

Munk Dialogue with Douglas Murray, Natasha Hausdorff, Mehdi Hasan & Gideon Levy

June 11, 2024

Munk Dialogue with Douglas Murray, Natasha Hausdorff, Mehdi Hasan & Gideon Levy

Looking ahead to the Munk Debate on Anti-Zionism

On June 17th four debaters will take to the stage at Toronto’s Roy Thomson Hall for a debate on Anti-Zionism

The motion up for debate: Be it Resolved, anti-Zionism is antisemitism

On this special Munk Dialogue, we speak with each of the debaters to get a sense of their arguments heading into the debate, and what it is about this particular topic that made them want to participate.

Arguing for the resolution is award-winning journalist, best-selling author, and former Munk Debater Douglas Murray. His debate partner will be Natasha Hausdorff, an international law expert and legal commentator on antisemitism.

Opposing the resolution is Mehdi Hasan. Mehdi is a best-selling author, former MSNBC anchor, and the CEO and editor-in-chief of the new media company Zeteo. He will be joined by the award-winning Israeli broadcaster and Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy.

I think a lot of people don’t really know what they mean when they accuse somebody of being a Zionist.”
-Douglas Murray

There is an agenda that we have seen across mainstream media and increasingly on social media, which has failed to get to the heart of the causes of what we have seen.”
-Natasha Hausdorff

It’s a debate about racism. It’s a debate about the history of applied ideology. It’s a debate about free speech.”
-Mehdi Hasan

Israelis see the world as almost totally anti-Semitic. They see the world as hating Israel no matter what Israel does, hating Jews no matter what they do.”
-Gideon Levy
