test Joe Biden Debate - Munk Debates

Joe Biden Debate

March 11, 2020

Joe Biden Debate

Be it Resolved, Joe Biden is the Democratic Party’s best hope of winning in 2020

After a stunning Super Tuesday comeback Joe Biden has become the frontrunner in the Democratic Party primary race, poised to become the standard bearer to take on Donald Trump in the general election. Moderates are rallying around Biden, believing he has the best chance to appeal to swing voters, reach out to the white working class, and win back the White House. Progressives see a Biden candidate as history repeating itself – nominating Biden as the Democratic candidate risks repeating 2016 all over again. Like Hillary Clinton, he is another establishment candidate, weighed down by years of political baggage, ties to corporate America, and an inability to inspire voters. And like Hillary Clinton, he will lose in November and usher in another 4 years of a Donald Trump presidency.

“Substantively and politically, he should run again. The unheralded Joe Biden has achieved the greatest record of domestic accomplishments since the 1960s.”

– Allan Lichtman

“Joe Biden is going to be the nominee if he runs. No one is going to challenge Joe Biden. The party has coalesced around Biden, but parties don’t always make the right decision.”

– Ross Barkan
